Monday, May 7, 2007

Organ Donation fo' Shizzle

I am very interested in organ donation. When we talked about in class it peaked my
interest, if you will. However, it is difficult for me to understand why anyone would be
against this. (Peoples families, loved ones, etc.) In the situation that people have
displayed their consent towards it, organ donation and 'surgery' to insert the organ is
awesome. Especially in the case when it can save someones life. This also ties into the
idea of organ creation, and insertion via stem cells, and this new phenomenon. I'm also
for this, because it seems like a great technological and brilliant advance, which we
should always be improving. Some people argue that it is creating a fake race, or a
robotic society, but we all go to the dentist and get braces on our teeth, get plates put
in for bones, etc. To me, and I think for the majority of my generation, organ creation
would be sweet, and extremely proactive in battling the biological warfare. Another con
to this idea is that it could be expensive. It's expensive to 'set up,' however it will
pay itself off. I think of it as 'solar energy' because it is expensive initially, but it
just works the money off for years. So, for now, I am very into organ creation and
research involving this, because if you could make a pancreas that could recognize
insulin and function how a diabetic person would need it to, to erase the faults, and
work perfectly, then this would help hundreds of thousands of diabetics in the world. I
can't see how this is a poor idea at all, and I wanted to see how other people felt about
this more intimately, so this is why I chose it for my blog entry.

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