Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Male Pregancy: Fact or Fiction?

Male Pregnancy

There are many speculations about male pregnancy, yet to this date none of them have been proven true. However, there is one website that actually claims that they have produced a pregnant male. His name is Mr. Lee Mingwei, he and his group of producers are very talented artists. The pregnancy is thought possible because female organs and hormones were placed within the male. I have varied opinions on the topic of male pregnancy. I feel that males were not meant to bear children, and therefore they should NOT try nor want to bear children. Although I find this topic very interesting, at the same time it is also repulsive.
All the current thoughts on male pregnancy are based on speculations and theory. There have been a few cases of female to male transsexuals who have become pregnant; they claim that they have produced the first proposed male pregnancy. I do not consider this a “male pregnancy”. Although transsexuals believe that they are male, they were born with perfectly functioning female organs and are genetically considered female.
While male pregnancy has become thought of as fact instead of fiction, I still believe that it is a terrible idea. Females were put on this earth to give birth and have natural instincts to care for their children. The human mind is an extraordinary device, yet we still don’t completely understand how it works. With that said, how does one know that everything involved in child birth has been considered? I believe that it hasn’t and the fact that people are willing to risk the life of a child is shocking.

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