Wednesday, May 2, 2007


A great fear that exists in many people is that they are going to die a horrible and painful death. However, if the need were to arise there is an alternate treatment, euthanasia. The definition of euthanasia stems from the Greek words eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death. If the definition of euthanasia means good death, than why is it illegal?
Oregon is the only state in which euthanasia is legal, (under strict conditions). Other places in the world such as Australia have legalized it under certain conditions, and after the patient have met the prerequisites. I believe that the other forty-nine states in the U.S. should follow suit. Obviously guidelines would have to be made as to what exactly constitutes euthanasia and what the requirements a patient has to fulfill in order to receive it.
Right now a person looking to end their life but does not have the means must find a physician who is willing to risk criminal consequences in order to help them. The most famous example of this being Dr. Kevorkian. He aided hundreds of people in committing suicide. Society has deemed him as a murder, yet he never actually killed anyone. He set them up with lethal dosages of medication and the patients had to press a button in order to receive the dosage. After reading articles about him and the topic in general, I no longer see him as a killer, but as some providing what a lot of people want; a good death.

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